It is through emotional experiences that man learns. Yes, the pain, the heartache. Oh woe is me!
Man has been given an emotional field to work with during his lifetime. True, deep, e,emotional, sincere feelings are rare and required for the development of the soul. Inmost cases emotional feelings deceive us into a false reality and false existence. But of course, there are exceptions to everything. There are times when the soul feels emotions so deep, they stick. The should magnetizes and vibrates with its emotional experience so that it is able to change and grow. when this occurs the soul is making the upward spiral towards evolvement. This is the difference between emotion and emotionalism.
through this soul evolution, we grow learn and become inspired. Most songwriters write of their soul experiences and express it through melody and rhythm, so that we can feel what they felt. it works doesn't it? How many songs can make your soul cry and how many words can make your should suddenly heart starting a fire. We most condition ourselves to take from each emotional experience a lesson and move on, for it was a lesson. The universe either teaches how to cannot ascend your soul if all you do is hate, curse and lie...that's the downward spiral of the soul..the perversion of the spirit of God that was breathed inside of you at the time of conception.
So in order to be vessel, temple for this light of the soul to grow we must work through love. You must hold no thoughts of resentment, no thoughts of malice, no thoughts of injustice, no thoughts of confusion or criticism. Easier said than down you say, True, its hard I have spent 40 years trying not to judge or hold resentment. I'm still trying daily its a never ending quest for spiritual attainment. We get tested everyday by Spirit..You just have to get up again and say thank yo for another day I have to attain spiritual mastery of my self and my soul. Take a deep breath and count to 10 it works!
Come Now by love divine
guard now this soul of mine
Make now my world all thine
God's light around me shine
I count one
It is done, oh feeling world be still
Two and Three
I AM free
Peace it is God's Will
I count seven come now heaven
My energies take hold
My mental world enfold.
I AM by love protected.
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