Thursday, January 8, 2015

The Great Brotherhood of Light

Who are the Ascended Masters? All the children of God have a divine spark, the potential to realize the Christ within each of us, or the Buddha or whoever it is we pray to within the heavenly realm. East and West we have come to know that the concept of Love is at the center of most. There are no scriptures that state Jesus was  the only son of God, for their are many like him. we just don't know about them because society has never thought to look and think out of the little box that we are all crammed into. The message of Jesus was for us to follow his footsteps to realize the full potential of out being. The end to us living out lives on Earth culminates with spiritual path which leads to us parascending back to heaven to be return to the Father-Mother God, free from the rounds of karma and rebirth.

How does a man become an Ascended Master?  A Master is a man who has attained self mastery by using his free will along with the law of GOD. This mastery propels one into a reunion with God that is called the ascension into the light, the ritual that we observed when Jesus died and rose again to sit at the right side of the father. Jesus was not the first nor was he the last. Neither is he the only son of God in heaven. Elijah also ascended into heaven as did Enoch and John the Baptist and Mother Mary. The path of the ascension is the path to spiritual evolution. He who balance 50% of their karma while on earth and he who has accomplished their earth mission have the ability to ascend to heaven. Some ascended Masters may be familiar to us, for they have been among us throughout the ages. Among these are Gautama Buddha, Jesus Christ, St.Michael, Mother Mary, St.Francis, Melchizedek and many many more which we will learn of as i proceed with my discourse. The Masters work with God loving people of every race, religion and walk of life they are here to assist humanity in their forward evolution through time and space. The Masters teach by example, they point the way. Part of the heavenly hierarchy standing in the etheric plane to assist mankind though the ages. They teach of a path that we can all follow back to God , if we so choose. God gave us "free will" to decide what path to choose. So don't think your self as not worthy or a mere mortal, we are sons and daughters of God and like Jesus, our brother we too have the light of God within us the divine spark that makes each one of us unique. Modern religion has taught us that we are not worthy that we are sinners, well I'm here to say that those old energy teachings were the ways men in power twisted things around to enslave us and tear us down. We are spiritual beings living a human experience.

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