As we begin this quest. I ask you to maintain an open mind and release all anyone has ever told you, dismiss all those beliefs that have been imposed upon you by friends, family and society. Feel the words and you to shall hear the call of the eagles landing. Everyone has their own personal spiritual experience that only God knows about, for he is your witness. Your awakening will not be found in a Yoga class or in a temple it will be an inner awakening. A distant memory of who your soul was, is, and will become. I am here to remind you of the many castles in the sky...Its about LOVE.It's about realizing that those alive in this era are here for a reason. Your soul is needed.
All hands on deck!
But first a little history and research that has lead me through this life long journey. My personal spiritual quest. Those moments when you decide to walk into a book store to kill time and you end finding treasures of information..a book drops off the shelf and suddenly you feel a tingle in your heart like a flame igniting..oh the joy of reading my very thoughts in some one elses words. We are the sane ones. How about moving to another state and realizing you had a purpose a reason why you had to be there. You go blindly into this jungle and hope it is the path..hope its not a wolf in sheep's clothing.
Kali Yuga (Devanāgarī: कलियुग [kəli juɡə], lit. "age of [the demon] Kali", or "age of vice") is the last of the four stages the world goes through as part of the cycle of yugas described in the Sanskrit scriptures. The other ages are Satya Yuga, Treta Yuga and Dvapara Yuga. (Wikipedia)
The Mark Age period or New Age period as most label it. Is part of the spiritual plan for the earth whereby man comes to accept the awakening of the spiritual identity of each and every child of God upon earth. And bringing forth on earth a truly spiritual life. A life none of us are even able to conceive, for we limit the use of the brain and the fact that we consume poisons everyday has dulled our 6th sense. Sugar destroys our spiritual DNA. The lineage of our ancestors unable to flow into our auras. Loss of faith within society the time when mankind is farthest away from their creator...that is the Kali Yuga we are all seeing it manifest before us every time we turn on the TV.
Godspeed to all...pick up your sword of light and prepare to assist the Angels and Saints and the entire Brotherhood of Light that overseas the seed of mankind upon Earth.
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